accessories of pindex dental and base plates

Pindex dental lab supplies and equipment list of products dental lab supplies stores offers the dental lab products list are compatiable with the pindex dental zeiser and giroform model system.More over the pindex dental dowel pins and plastic disposable dental articulator for pindex dental plates are also available in the online dental stores.

Here we list the pindex dental machine features.

1)Plaster expansion eliminated thanks to individually drilled based

  plate and segmentation of dental arch

2)Segments rest in correctly drilled position free of expansion


1)Model made in just eight minutes

2)The base is ready with the base plate


1)Less plaster required for the dental arch,no plaster required for the base

2)The entire base plate is less expensive than the corresponding amount of base plaster

3)Base plates,secondary plates and metal discs suitable for multiple use


1)Can be used for saw-cut master mmodels,opposite models,two-part models,anatomical 

casts,diagnostic models and partial impressions


1)Simple procedures

2)Entire system user-friendly with ergonomic design

List of the dental laboatory products consumables

1,dental dowel pins 12mm and 14mm 
2,pindex dental product is compatiable with amann girrbach plates,upper and lower.
3,disposable dental articulator is compatiable with zeiser and girrform model system.


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